Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Last Day Being ONE

Today was Alexander's last day as a one year old! It was such beautiful day out, so I took Alexander and Hailey on a nice, long walk to park. Alexander and I loved getting out of the house and enjoyed the fresh air. After his nap, we spent some time coloring and playing with play-doh! He loved every second of it. He really has gotten into the crafty things and loves to be creative. I definitely had some fun too. I made him some glasses from play-doh, and he actually wore them for a few. He thought that was hilarious! He then had to watch a little Mickey Mouse before dinner, and after dinner we read a couple of books before bed. We love watching our little boy grow up, but can't believe he will be 2 tomorrow! We love you Alexander!

Alexander coloring (He had to have two markers!)

Alexander in his Play-Doh glasses!

Alexander after dinner!

Last time going to bed as a One Year Old!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Birthday Party

This past Saturday, we had Alexander's 2nd Birthday Party. It was so great having so many of our family and friends at our home to celebrate. As most people know, Alexander's favorite thing is Mickey Mouse (or Hot Dog as he would say). A little more on the Hot Dog name, the new cartoon has a song they sing at the end of every episode called the Hot Dog Dance. Therefore, Mickey Mouse in our house is called "Hot Dog!" Since, Mickey is his favorite we naturally had a Mickey Mouse party for him. We kept him in his room as we decorated, and when we brought him out he got a huge smile on his face and said "HOT DOG, HOT DOG, HOT DOG!" We were so excited that we could make him that happy with party decorations! He did get a little overwhelmed with all the people that were there, but I think after about half an hour he started to enjoy all the attention. He sat up in his highchair the whole time he opened his presents, and he LOVED every single present he got. Thank you to everyone for all the generous gifts! He liked the singing and the candles on the cake, but once again he did NOT eat any of his cake! And he loves cake. I think he just does that because he knows it gets to me! I like to get him his own little cake so he can just dig into it, and just like last year he did not want to eat even a little bite. We know he had a GREAT time, and enjoyed seeing all of his family and friends.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


First off, I want to apologize for not updating my blog recently. We have been extremely busy with remodeling a few rooms in our house, and unfortunately I have not really sat down at the computer for a while. Alexander is doing very well right now. We had an appointment with the Pediatrician a few weeks ago, and she was extremely concerned about Alexander's weight. He had dropped below the first percentile, which is NOT good. We are trying really hard to prevent a G Tube, and she recommended substituting Pediasure for his milk (more calories in the same volume). Therefore, he now gets 24 ounces of Pediasure a day, instead of milk. His Nutritionist came this week, and in two weeks he has grown 1 inch and gained 7 ounces! So, we are back on track and very excited about his weight and height (though his height has never been an issue). It looks like Pediasure is going to be our new best friend!

Moving on to some fun we had this month...
One thing that makes Alexander very happy is his baby cousin, Mikayla! He absolutely loves everything about her. It is so funny when he sees my sister Allie because the first thing out of his mouth is BABY. This past month we were able to go to Chuck E Cheese with Mikayla! They had such a blast when my mom and I took them, so we went back again with my sister too! It actually worked out perfect because the two of them were able to squeeze in to the little rides together and help support each other. They are so good with each other, and we couldn't be happier that they already get along so well! It is nice being able to have another little one for Alexander to play with! Alexander loved all the rides, but I think his favorite was playing skeeball. We took him right up there with his stroller, and he would hold the ball as I helped him roll it! He loved it, and did it again and again and again! We had a blast and can't wait to go back!

Here's a couple pictures of the fun they had together!